June 23, 2014

What Great Teaching Looks Like! Barney Saltzberg

It's so rare that you get to watch a REALLY GREAT TEACHER in action. 

Each week I go to music class with my daughter I get to see her incredibly talented teacher engage with each and every student. She teaches them patterning, pitch, beat, sharing,  following directions and even lulls the children into reflection while she plays her cello. I love that I get to see great teaching happening because it makes me want to be a better teacher.

I was randomly youtube stalking my favorite book Beautiful Oops and came across this video.

All I could think is THIS IS WHAT GREAT ART TEACHING LOOKS LIKE! There is so much that makes Barney my teacher idol. I hope this inspires you like it inspires me. It's so hard to find what great teaching looks like, if you have great examples around you then don't bother watching. But if you are like me and looking for someone to inspire CHECK THIS GUY OUT.

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