
February 26, 2012

I've Been Waiting My WHOLE Life for This!

In my prior life, before becoming an art teacher, I was a children's party planner. Of course I took it over the top! I made 24 costumes for the guests. The party was like a performance, scripted and all. AND of course, each party had an art project. As a parent I wish I could find someone like I was to do Stella's parties. I have a lot less time now which is why we are celebrating a month later:) because something had to give and it wasn't going to be any part of her party.

This past week Stella turned 1! The moment I've been waiting for my whole life. To plan my own kids birthday. I had no ideas for her party but wanted to do something she would love. The one thing Stella is crazy about is music, especially rock. So we're having a "ROCKIN' 1ST BIRTHDAY" I hand drew all of the invites with the theme of rock tattoos (think roses, guitars, angel wings) and made a pre-invite. It is sort of my new art project. Next thing on my list is to out together an Elvis costume for Nick. I'm not telling him he is coming as Elvis yet. . . and I doubt he reads this blog (but our families will get a total kick out of this.) I think I'll tell him about it when he asks me to iron a shirt for him the day of the party. Sure no problem, and I'll come back with some 70's Elvis get up.

I'm still working on the invitations so I made this "save the date." I can't believe how fast it goes by!

Am I the only one obsessed with kids birthdays? Do you go all out for your kids birthdays? What was your most fun one? 


  1. Um... how FREAKING cute is Stella?!?!? I want to come to this party! That was an open and public invite, right? I'm a litttle obsessed with party planning in general and I'm super jealous that you actually got to do that professionally! My sister and I always say we want to open up a business. Right now I'm planning her wedding shower and I'm doing a board game theme.. you can imagine ALL the possibilities- I'm even having dreams about the party- pyschoooo. Anyways, I love love love your invite and may just have to steal that for my baby's first. Good luck with the party, I'm sure it'll be rockin!

  2. FABULOUS!!! And I agree with Hannah - Stella is beyond cute!

    When Ben was little I went nuts making/decorating cakes - I have this cool cake book, but I never followed any directions, of course. I made a cute train, a planet outer-space-y thing, a dragon (of course), etc. Problem was nobody really liked to eat them so much so when he got older it was ice cream cakes I ordered.

    My house is small so parties were never too big unless we took them elsewhere, so when he was school age we barely ever had them at the house (we'd have a family dinner thing at the house and then take the kids somewhere else another day). I'll admit to a bowling party, a hockey game party, and an indoor fun-park party. His birthday is in the dead of winter (when we used to HAVE winter) so we couldn't do backyard stuff, so when he got a little older it was all about snow-tubing. I took the kids to the local ski place's snow-tube hill where they had a blast for a couple of hours. Then it was back to the house for pizza, cake and ice cream and the best friends slept over. Probably did that 4 years in a row his friends looked forward to it so much.

    Ben's best thing when he hit high school was to have an annual summertime party at our Adirondack cottage - it was awesome when his friends all got old enough to drive there. It's still his favorite place to hold a party.

  3. Hi. SOOOO CUTE!!!
    I TOO HAVE LOVED PLANNING FOR MY KIDS! They are 15, 12, and 9 now so I have a ton!!
    My favorites: Madeline, Beauty and the Beast, Willy Wonka, Under the Sea, and Lego!!!

    Are you going to the NAEA? I would love to meet you! I teach Art K-5 in Westchester.
    lauraleechambers at hotmail dot com-

  4. Lauralee!!! I can't seem to find your phone # or email. Can you contact me with your phone#? I'm going to be ROOMING with Art Project Girl Erica at the conference and I've been trying to figure out how we'll all get together, so I'm trying to make sure I get everyone's #. I CANNOT TEXT. One idea is for everyone to meet for dinner Friday night, but there are a lot of options I'm sure. We just need to all find each other!

  5. We go all out for parties! Well, June always gets a good themed party because its in the summer and all I do from June 1st till July 18th is plan her party. Poor Shelby's birthday is Dec. 28th, so far she has gotten a last minute dollar store decor party and this year she got birthday sprinkles pancakes, and we blew out candles on party (she'll never notice) heres a link to my blog from Junie's Nemo party. I even took pictures of her in the studio holding a dead nemo in a bag and dressed her like Darla and blew them up for decorations!

  6. Oh Erica! Could you just eat up that beautiful little girl with a spoon? That video-vite looked like a REAL movie trailer! So impressive! I'm sure whatever you plan will be wonderful and she'll love it!

  7. Thanks everyone! Off to work but it was fun to read all the comments this morning I'll get back to you more specifically about the conference tonight! excited:)

  8. Thanks Hannah: PLEASE come:) I did it on iMovie and it was really easy (time consuming but easy!) You should totally try it and save the stamps:)

    Phyl the Adirondack cottage sounds like an amazing party house. Lucky kid!

    Lauralee i am going to the NAEA I'll e-mail you!

    Natalie loved your Nemo party and bubble!

    Pat: If you saw how easy it was you wouldn't be impressed! It's a format. But she is just impossible not to eat up!

  9. I totally missed this post until now! That video is super sweet! I've been saving all the videos of my little guy in a folder but I haven't taught myself the new version of iMovie yet. (I used it in high school but it's significantly different now!)
