
February 29, 2012

Hanging up my Hat

These are sculpture hats (we are calling them CRAZY CROWNS)
that we've been making in Kindergarten.

I will be hanging up my art teacher, nose wiper, shoe tyer, snack maker, "did you really just say that?" hat for a few days to go to THE NATIONAL ART EDUCATORS CONFERENCE in NEW YORK! Sub plans are made and my bags are packed (almost!)  I haven't been to New York, since, since, ummm. . . I worked there? It's been a long time. The museums. The subway. The shopping. The people. The FOOD. Oh yeah and THE CONFERENCE! If you can't tell I'm really excited, especially because I'll be meeting some of you, hopefully. I see some bloggers are even presenting their fabulous ideas and I hope to make it to see you. 

If you feel up to it, please contact me. I know Phyl from There's A Dragon in my Art Room is arranging something so I'm sure I'll see you if you come to that! I am most excited to meet my good friend in person for the very first time. Now, I truly feel like I'm living in the digital age. Phyl has been such a support to me from before having my first baby, juggling being a mom, to now. So many of you have made me feel so much better about myself with your commradorie and thoughtful comments, if you are going let me know in the comments, an e-mail litchfieldartroom @ yahoo but I will take my e-mail address off of here within 24 hours to prevent spam.


  1. Yay! NYC tomorrow! I guess I should go pack, no?

    BTW, cute post. I do hats with my K's, at Easter time. We call them "spring bonnets" since little old Jewish me doesn't like doing Easter or Christmas projects.

  2. I found out about the conference a little too late! I have some friends who are going though....hope you have an awesome time! I just found your blog through the post about best art supplies & I saw you mentioned Sheffield --I still need to go there, heard it is awesome!

  3. So so so jealous! I've never been to NYC and it would have been so nice to meet some of the art teacher bloggers I've been following!

    Hope you have a blast! Come back and share some of the awesome stuff you learn!

  4. Very jealous as well! Have fun! And yes, please, please, share the fun ideas you learn!!! We'll be watching! :)

  5. Very cool and great meeting you at the conference. Come visit RISD again :)

  6. I do a paper sculpture lesson inspired by Alexander Calder with my 2nd graders ("Design a Playground"), but these hats look super fun! I think I'll try this with 1st grade in a couple of weeks. Thanks for sharing!!
