
February 21, 2012

Highlights from my day. . .Tuesdays after school we run a Green Team. . . never thought things would be so green so soon!

All varieties of lettuce grown by our Green Team in the raised beds.
We covered them with plastic. . . we took after the plastic today after seeing the
greens reaching to the top!
It's February in Connecticut, happy spring.

Here's us planting with a volunteer from the organic farm
in mid-November. We thought we'd harvest in the spring.
Spring came early this year.

Lettuce washed and ready to eat!

Salad Party!
Our partners from the Organic Farm
made a really delicious low-fat dressing with yogurt.

While my friend washed the lettuce with the kids
and the volunteer from the farm made the dressing with some kids.
We passed the time in the classroom making this rap.
Pretty cute. . . we fixed the ending but I forgot to take a picture.
It now says,  So before you try it don't criticize, You just may get a good surprise.

I also wish I could share highlights from my anti bullying club on Mondays (I just can't say no when the kids ask me to do something for them!) We are making a movie that the kids came to me and with a full script and practiced themselves. It is really cool. I was inspired by their initiative and decided to take on the time consuming task of videoing and editing it for them (we don't have a computer at school that they could do all this on.) But I can't show the kids faces so although we can't broadcast the film, I think we might show it at the art show or field day?


  1. This is OUTSIDE??!!! Not a greenhouse?! What are you going to do when we have a blizzard mid-March? It's happened before, you know....... wow.

  2. Erica,

    When do you sleep? Green Gang, Anti-Bullying Sponsor? And baby Stella? How on earth do you squeeze all of that into a week? I really admire your energy level and dedication to your kids!


  3. Phyl, It's cool because we cover them with clear plastic tarp and it keeps in moisture and keeps off frost (not that we've had any!) They usually grow very slowly in the winter, I'm told, but on our first try it has been amazing!

    Pat, How do you squeeze it all in? 900 KIDS! That is unheard of! How often do you see them and for how long I'm curious as to how they even fit that many kids into a schedule. GET BETTER! Take the time to take care of yourself completely!

  4. Phyl, It's cool because we cover them with clear plastic tarp and it keeps in moisture and keeps off frost (not that we've had any!) They usually grow very slowly in the winter, I'm told, but on our first try it has been amazing!

    Pat, How do you squeeze it all in? 900 KIDS! That is unheard of! How often do you see them and for how long I'm curious as to how they even fit that many kids into a schedule. GET BETTER! Take the time to take care of yourself completely!
