October 13, 2011

What goes up. . .


WARNING: This is a vent. 

Beginning of vent. . . This week my classroom is getting painted .  . . 

end of vent. 

I think the picture says it all NOTICE THE TIME OF DAY I FINISHED ALL THIS?


Jen Carlisle said...

you can work in a school where they actually re-paint the building sometime after it was built... interesting. I wonder if my district knows about this ;)

Unknown said...

You might want to wait till the summer to let them know about this phenomenom! ;) ;)

Christie - Fine Lines said...

Too bad they didn't actually do the painting during the summer!!!!

Anonymous said...

What? They don't have painting crews that work during the summer months? Shame on your school district! Call in sick and say you have paint inhalation sickness........That'll show them the error of their ways!Ha!

Phyl said...

I love the smell of fresh paint. But it does seem a "touch" inconvenient. The life of an art teacher.....