
April 20, 2013

Kindergarten Solutions for the Busy Art Teacher

How many times have you heard a friend say "teaching art to Kindergarteners is not my thing"? Maybe you have said it yourself? I know I have. But, in reality who would say that painting with 30 five year olds with no help, special needs, and one sink is really their "thing." Instead of throwing in the paper towel;) I decided to try every thing and anything to make my Kindergarten classes work. I have turned my most anticipated (and by that I mean dreaded) class into my favorite little artists. Be sure to check out my presentation at the 2013 National Art Education Conference KINDERGARTEN SOLUTIONS FOR THE BUSY ART TEACHER for some practical tips, tricks and ways to enhance your lessons. 

Here are some of the ideas I'll be presenting on. . .

-Making centers work in a busy art room.
-Practice makes process. Get kids engaged in the process through practice.
-Quiet signals without words.
-Songs and sound in Art
-Passing out papers so everyone will listen.
-#1 easiest way to add writing to your curriculum.
-No more LOST artwork. Ways to help students organize their art and write their name so you can read it.
-Parents can help! Let parents help you turn chaos into creative time.
-Paint! Fool proof systems for little artists.
-The best way to get kids to listen to directions.

I hope I can fit this all in 10 minutes. . . maybe I'll talk REEEAAALLY fast!

Tune in later this week and I will be talking about the presentation I'll be giving that is closest to my heart, Peace Building through Arts Education. You can check this presentation out at the 2013 National Conference. I hope to start a dialogue about this topic as I think it's our most difficult, but most important work as art teachers.

I plan on attending the conference as well! Learning from each other is what this online event is about. Hope you'll JOIN me, Jessica, Mrs. Hahn, Ian Sands, Mr. E, Tricia Fuglestead, Patty Palmer and more on JUNE 25th! 

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