
April 19, 2013

Incognito Insects

First and second graders have been learning to "look" by drawing insects. We looked closely at insects, learned everything about them from books and observation, and finally created a variety of insects in a jar. This is a great project I found on Art for 1170. THIS IS NOT THEM! 

This project was an extra one for a class who I saw a few more times a week. But we had so much fun doing it I thought I'd post.

I have one class who I get to see a few extra times. They decided to create these incredible 3D insects out of some pipe cleaners foam blocks and fun stuff I have around the art room. Notice the fabulous antennae and six legs. Then we learned about camouflage. They had to choose an element of art from their bug to repeat. It could be a color, line or shape. Then they created an environment for their insect to camouflage in. They had just as much fun creating their insects as they did their environments!


  1. Erica, I just LOVE this! Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best! I think the way you've incorporated the elements of art into the creation of camouflage is just fabulous. It means the kids actually had to think, to reflect, and to make creative decisions. Brilliant idea; I'll be pinning it!

  2. Thanks Phyl! I think they look so cool as pictures too. The learning was really rich and I could tell who was "getting" it (the elements of art.) I just think when they go in backpacks they won't have the same magic as when we were making them. Wish I had time to write a letter about their art work to their parents! There's just so much other work this year (eliminate some busy work and we can do reports like this for parents right!)

  3. I just fell in love with these bugs!! So cute and totally irresistible!

  4. LoVe this! Can't wait to try something similar with my kiddos! The camouflage extension is so creative! :)
