
March 7, 2012

Things are looking up!

Daylight savings time is ALMOST here. I know the extra light is just what this girl needs. 
I think I'll be spending a lot more afternoons like this. 

There's nothing like a little balance. 

What will you do with your extra hour of daylight?


  1. Your daughter is beautiful Erica! Enjoy the extra hour of sunlight, I can't wait.

  2. OMG! Stella is so ADORABLE!!! I love the save the date video too! I will be hanging projects until March 29 for the Fine Arts Festival THEN it is time to get in the dirt and start the garden! I tried seeds indoors last year but not too successful. Also we will be starting camping early on the weekends! Have a great weekend!

  3. Your daughter is beautiful! Enjoy the sun! I know I can feel my energy increasing as the dreary late winter snow melts here in NH! Enjoy the time with your family!
