
March 5, 2012

Royal Portraits

Saw this idea on Deep Space Sparkle and modified it a bit to fit my situation. My situation? I'm burnt out on clay projects, needing to clean up endless messes so we can make more messes, and of course wanting more time to talk with individuals. We needed to slow down and this was the perfect project for that.

I printed tons of face playing cards, vintage and modern. We discussed what made the characters look like royalty. Tons of patterns, rich colors, ornate dress all made the cards look royal. Next, I demonstrated how to draw a 3/4 view of a face like on the playing card. Once we had the face drawn the rest was fun and completely creative. Here are a few pics that I snapped quickly while walking out of work so I could share.

More to come on the NAEA PROMISE!


  1. Wow, Erica, these are gorgeous! What grade level did this work?

  2. These are really cool! How did your first day back to school go? I was really exhausted from this weekend! It was fun to meet you :)

  3. I love this idea, Erica! I am assuming these were done by 4th or 5th graders? Did you dowload images from Google? Enlarge playing cards? Too cool! Have you recovered from NYC yet?


  4. This is 5th grade and now we are doing castles for an architecture project. . . it works out perfectly:)

    I am still recouping from the weekend haha but seriously I am!

    Writing too many grad papers, rewriting them because rewriting exhausted never works out! Sorry for no updates!

  5. I love this idea, too! I'm always looking for fun, new ways to teach self-portraits.... can't wait to try this with my students! Wish I could have made it to NAEA, too, but I'm on the west coast! :P
