
July 30, 2010

One Fish, Two Fish

Here's a project I did with first grade last year to integrate art and math. To celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday, students read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.  Then we drew undersea environments for their fish. We looked at pictures of plant life and coral . Make sure students do not draw any fish yet! I made sure not to tell students that they would be printing the fish on later because they would all rush to finish their backgrounds in the hopes of painting!

As students finished their undersea environment, I gave them the option to print 3 fish on their paper. The only problem was I only had two fish a red and blue! I asked individual students what we could do to make three. Students came up with many different combinations of red and blue two make 3. When all pictures were complete we counted how many different ways we could make 3 out of 2. What a cool way to incorporate math into their art!


  1. Erica, oh dear. Our blogger friend Mrs. Hahn tells me you are having trouble leaving comments on my blog since I messed with the layout. I don't know how to fix it but I'm going to sure try. Our little conversations back and forth are very important to me and I don't want to lose that aspect of blogging. Please keep trying even if it is just to say hello. In the words of Tim Gunn (Project Runway) somehow we'll "make it work"!

  2. Yes I think it's because I use Safari. Just wanted to let you know so you weren't wondering why some people weren't commenting;) Unless it's just my personal computer. I can still see your blog though and it looks great!

  3. Sigh... Mrs. Hahn said hers was ok after she downloaded a new template, and I'm considering that option (I found some I like) but can't figure out how I'll be able to get my dragon in there. Seems that she should be, no? So give me a little time - I'll figure it out! I still use Microsoft Internet Explorer, or if I have a problem I use Firebox. I honestly don't know anything about Safari; I still don't understand the basic science that makes any of this stuff work!!
