
July 16, 2010

Budget Cuts WHAT?

Yesterday the dreaded letter came in the mail. The lay off letter. I was half expecting it. Even though I have been in the district for four years I am still the last hire. First I cried for a minute thinking that was the "expected" response. Then I had a revelation . . . like a teenager going to college. Wait! I'm free. I'm free to discover the next step of my career and growth as an artist.  I'm free to sell my house and stop paying too high taxes in this town. I'm free to start again knowing all that I know now! As Shakespeare would say "tears live in an onion that should water this sorrow."

My principal is saying there is a good chance that they will "find" money and take me back if I haven't found another job. At which point I'll quickly abandon my philosophy of "freedom" and "growing as an artist" and go back to teaching my favorite kids in the world! I know my principal is advocating for me which is a really good thing.

P.S. My husband just read this and said I should include this quote from him.  "Why should a struggling education system want to get rid of their teacher of the year? A person with tons of energy, enthusiasm and support from the parents, teachers and kids." Well it's called union honey. Not to mention tons of mismanaged funds within our system. But I'll spare you the details.


  1. It stinks that you got a layoff letter--- I got one in May and was a mess for 3 months. I just found out at the beginning of July that they appealed to the state and got more money, thus rehired me. I wish you the best of luck in finding something bigger and better, or continuing at your home school!!

  2. I'm so sorry, but you seem to have a sunshiny attitude about it. This was a rough year in our system. I felt them breathing down my neck, but believe it or not they cut some jobs at our central office...imagine that! I agree with your husband and will never understand why the ARTS are not given the respect they deserve. I wish you all the best with your new adventure...keep up your blog now so we can see the fantastic path this little glitch leads you on. Good luck! Best, Vicki

  3. Hi Erica,
    Thank you for your comment on my blog! You asked about the dyes I use for my silks---- We have so many silks, some made by others, some from stores, some dyed for kool aid! The silks that were in those photos about the wool crowns were dyed with a Jacquard dye kit. The colors always come out very bright and hold very well, don't fade in the wash. I think the colors would come out fine on sail cloth too. Here is a link for the dye kit I used

    take care,

  4. I've been teaching a L-O-N-G time, but my very first job was cut after I'd been there 8 years (and I was least senior art teacher!). I was devastated, loved the job teaching HS art and photo. Took a dead-end job for a year, and then ended up in 1985 where I am now, teaching elementary art - a job that I never thought I wanted but I ended up falling in love with it. When I was offered the 1st job back a year later, I turned it down! Plus I met my husband while working here, and had my son. All good, right?
    So somehow these tough financial times in our country will get better, and schools will fight over good art teachers like you!

  5. Thanks everyone. Phyl that means A LOT to me. I will hold your story close because it is comforting to me.

  6. Thinking of you and hoping that you will be able to go forward and make lemons out of lemonade, as they say...
    We are homeschooling largely due to the fact that there have been so many cuts in our local public school system (no more art, music, p.e. or teaching assistants).
    They also did away with recess, in favor of prepping for standardized testing...
    if only all of the awesome teachers who give so much and add so much creativity and outside the box teaching could get together with all of the families who want an awesome education for their children...
    what a world that would be!
    Well, hope hat you will pop by my blog...hang in there and enjoy your extended summer break until something better comes along.
    Maybe try a charter school or try to do private lessons for homeschoolers. We have paid many find people to come to do private lessons with our sons.
    You could probably make better money and have more fun working in the homeschool setting as an atierista or else in a charter school.Or even selling your art on Etsy.
    Best wishes to you!
    People still love and value art teachers...we all feel so badly that they are getting squashed in public schools.
    Colleen (who taught for a long, long time before being a stay at home mommy & homeschool mama)

  7. Thanks Colleen! That really picked me up. I will go check out your blog!

  8. Wow, I am sorry to hear your news. Keep up the positive thoughts and you never know where this will take you!
