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  1. Your blog is such an inspiration! Wow :)

  2. I like your cardboard city idea. How did handle the cutting with young ones? I work in a "at risk" k-4th school and find that scissor use is a challenge in itself. I am doing cardboard recycled 2-d robots with some classes, however, I pre-cut the bits... L

    www dot artteacherwithheart dot com

  3. I am in college and I am doing a projects on resources we can use when teaching art, I love your blog and I would like to use it for my presentation. However I need to answer this important questions and I was wondering if you could help me out since I couldn't find much on the ABOUT section:What are his or her qualifications to be blogging about art education? How long has the blog been running? What type of a blog is it? What sorts of information does the blogger intend to cover?

  4. Hi Anonymous:)

    I don't know if there are any "qualifications" to blog. I teach full time, I truly care about kids, I got my undergrad degree in Photography from RISD and my masters in Conflict Transformation. I am not sure if I remember how long I've been blogging? Maybe three to four years. It is an art education blog. The blog basically started as an outlet for me to share lessons and ideas on teaching. The community has grown exponentially since I started. I used to know everyone who read the blog and I used to read theirs! Now the network is so huge it seems to be evolving into something more formal like AOE model and less of a show and tell, share your highlights place on the internet

  5. I love your idea about having 5th grade mentors helping Kindergarten. How does this work in your school? Do you have just a few of the 5th graders help? What is the rest of the 5th grade class doing at this time? How do you pull it off? Because of schedule conflicts...I don't know if it would work in my school, but would LOVE the extra help!

  6. Kay

    I'm sorry but this year it doesn't work at my school:( In years past I've had Kindergarten at the end of the day. . . which meant by that time some teachers needed kids doing something productive/taking an academic break. Some came to build social emotional skills, others came as a behavior incentive. It worked for all involved. But now that my Kindergarteners come in the middle of the day it is right during 5th grade instruction time. I also don't have 30 Kindergarteners in a class. I have at the most 24, which makes a huge difference. With that number I can usually have everything run smoothly with a little prep. I used to pull my 5th graders out to help though it that helps?

  7. Hello! I love your blog!

    I have been thrown into the deep end, and have to teach 7th grade art this year. I am an artistic person, but have never taught 7th grade before

    Do you have any ideas, or suggestions of great websites for me to get inspiration from??

    Kind regards, Viv
