
February 8, 2014

Looking back: The Art of Education

How many of you remember when The Art of Education first started out? I do! It was a blog, not a magazine. It didn't offer conferences or classes. This was just a few short years ago. Now because of Jessica and her husband's persistence this blog has turned into a Professional Development resource and a place, where art teachers from around the world gather every morning to drink their coffee and read the latest post. Jessica's most recent under taking, online art education conferences, are an amazing idea that literally grew legs of it's own and started running. When Jessica called me about the first conference, I knew she had dreamed up something big! It was such a thrill to see the future of education happen as we all presented and chatted and shared ideas from around the world. Watching Jessica grow this business and provide a much needed professional space for art teachers is so inspiring to me.

This week, my favorite professional development magazine, The Art of Education is holding their annual art blog of the year contest. My blog was nominated as part of the 20 blogs of the year.

I'm going to apologize for not sharing this new on the blog before because I am really honored but contests make me a little stressed. I guess it's the artist in me, I was never remotely good at competitive sports (although my school REQUIRED I play them), I fear report cards (even giving report cards to my students causes anxiety) and evaluations are another word for FREAK OUT in my internal world. I consider this blog another awkward attempt at documenting my reflections as an art teacher in public education, maybe one of the most awkward place to be an artist.) Definitely not the winner of an award!

For a person who dreads contests, this one was really eye opening. You see, Jessica wrote a little snippet about each of the blogs. When I read mine, I was like "WHAT? That's me? Wow, I guess that is me." It was kind of a proud moment. It  might seem like an ordinary sentence to anyone who reads it, but to me it was validation of what I do and I guess that's what contests are about in the first place!

So thanks to Jessica and everyone for continually validating what we do as art teachers by engaging in the art ed community at AOE!


  1. Erica, You are very deserving of every opportunity you get - The more we stay connected and active as art teachers, the more everyone benefits. Keep creating!!!

  2. Erica, I'm so thrilled that The Art of Ed has aided in our getting to know each other (even if it's virtual) and our friendship! I LOVE your blog...and I'm trying out some of your games in art this week, yippie!!
