
February 22, 2013

Blah to Ahhh! Photo Makeover

Well my life has been on delay for a few reasons.

1. My computer broke. Apple happily fixed it for free because I have apple care. So that was no big deal.

2. My daughter has been sick. We've been up a few nights now (that turn into mornings) and I'll spare you the details. Through it all though I've been going to work because my husband works nights and she seems good most mornings? Thank goodness the weekend is here!

Here is a screen shot of a blahhh to ahhh I'm working on! It's a hot air balloon that popped out of Phyl's chimney:) Yes she's pretty magical isn't she. If you don't know Phyl check out her "There's A Dragon in my Art Room" blog here. 

That's all for tonight! I don't know how I made it through the week with sick child, no sleep and teaching full time. But, we (art teachers) are pretty hardy people! Good night for now!


  1. Looking pretty good so far! I like the way it has brightened up, especially my shadowy porch. Now ifi could just figure out how to get that hot air balloon back in my chimney I'd be all set!

  2. My little guy was sick for a few days too, with his first ever ear infection! I didn't have a clue since he never acted like his ears hurt, just had a high fever, cough, and nose stuff. Hope Miss Stella feels better soon and that you feel rested soon as well!

  3. I've noticed how you too, have been bitten by the photography bug. Having ridiculous gorgeous children in desperate need of having their every nuance captured tends to do that! Happy to have to in the art teacher/photographer club!
