Today we started our Native American unit. Second and Third Graders read
The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush. The boy in the story paints a sunset on a white buckskin. When I read this part of the story, a look of confusion came over the classroom.

"Does anybody know what a buck is?"
A hand shot up. At least one person has a clue.
"It's a dollar!"
It sure is!
The kids would ALL know what a buck is where I teach. They know too much. I know there's a minimum hunting age law, but it is totally disregarded. My youngest elementary kids have been out hunting and it shocks me. This is white tail deer hunting territory, and seemingly EVERYONE hunts (except me - I still cry every time I see Bambi -my heart breaks at the loss of his mamma). I don't mind for those of them who eat the venison (and many do) but for those who just get a kick out of killing these beautiful animals, it breaks my heart.
There's a fabulous kids' book by the amazing Bill Peet called "The Gnats of Knotty Pine". The animals in the woods strike back when hunting season starts, in a humorous and original way! It's a riot but I wouldn't dare read it in my school.
That's so funny. Yeah the only buck that reigns here is the buck that will get you a toy at the dollar store. I love nature but don't get the hunting thing either. Standing in the cold with a gun doesn't sound like much fun. I have a car that people use for hunting. That was one of the guys selling points. He said I could put a deer in the back then hose it out when I got home. . . a girl in the middle of a city! Gross.
I will check out that book. The issue would probably be the gun with my kids since they have no concept of hunting.
I'm with Phyl! I teach in RURAL Arkansas and everyone here would know a Buck before they new a dollar was a buck! In fact this weekend is the start of Modern Gun Season and to celebrate we have no school on Monday. Although the calendar officially says "Good Behavior Day" it is known more accurately as "Deer Day"!
That is so cute! Spending any time with their dad is a good thing. I know a lot of kids that would jump at the chance.
Wow, that's barbaric. Don't get me started. I'm so glad we don't have hunting as sport in Australia.
I would love to become a vegetarian but I can't do it! I eat meat once a week. I remember vividly being at the grocery store asking my mom "where does hamburger come from." "hamburger is cow." I was horrified. She added "old grandaddy cows." I remember thinking GROSS I eating some cow's grandpa!
I think hunting is natural if you are going to eat meat. Can't have it both ways right? I'm not into all the hunting to hunt stuff either Phyl.
Ahhhh.... yup it sure is is right!!!
I got this from google it seems plausible. . .
Though some believe that the term buck for an American dollar originated from the use of silver dollars for bucks 'markers used in poker,' others believe that the term buck 'dollar' originated due to the fact that buckskins were used in trade, as a form of money, in early America. The term buck was then transferred to currency. If that is the case, then the buck used in poker got its name from the buck 'dollar' used as a marker in the game. Unfortunately, no one knows the true answer with certainty.
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