
October 15, 2013

Too Much Glue Winners!

Stella picked two lucky readers from a hat to win the Too Much Glue book by Jason Lefebrve and Zac Retz.

Who was it? You'll have to watch to find out! (Excuse the dark messy house! The eating dinner at 7:30 and leaving the dinner plate on the couch, the blanket strewn about etc is all part of being a working mom with a 2 year old. Thank you all for your on-going support with this working mom thing.)

You can follow the illustrator Zac Retz's blog here.

To like their facebook page click here. I hear that everyone who likes their page gets a free bottle of glue (okay I'm lying but they only have 15 likes right now, let's support our fellow artists!)

To order the book for yourself click here.

Winners please drop me an e-mail (go to my contacts and comments page) so I can have your full mailing address before I go to the post office this weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Art Project Girl! It's been a while since I've been in the art teaching blogging community, but I just made a new blog! I wanted to let you know that your post on the listening box was so great that I was inspired to make one as well. The students love it and sometimes they ask me questions about my personal life that I answer in class! It was a good reminder that as art teachers, we are not just responsible to teach students art, but to also make them feel loved, listened to, and confident about themselves. So thank you for those lovely posts!!
