
June 25, 2013

AOE Makes Art Education History

Feeling really encouraged, empowered and enlightened by the community of artists, teachers and arts education advocates. The first ever art education online conference (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was!)  hosted by The Art of Education was a huge success! Jessica never ceases to deliver on the amazing challenges she puts in front of herself to better art education.

It is important before moving on with new ideas to take a minute to reflect on what a moment it has been for art education today.

Hundreds of art educators from around the world came together to discuss matters close to our hearts. This was the most democratic of events, free discussion, the price allowed for everyone to attend, and technology made the barriers of distance disappear. Often we feel like second class citizens in the current education model, one art teacher's title actually referred to her as a prep period class. I kid you not. The arts are the future of education and it's was so refreshing to be recognized with amazing content and community.

Thank you Jessica and every participant for making today awesome and professional.

There is ONE presentation that fell short for me! It was my own. There was so much more to explore in Peace Building through the Arts. I wanted to give concrete lessons in the 10 minutes so you would have ideas to implement, but that left us with little time to explore the topic more deeply. If you felt this too, and want to continue the discussion please log back in to the after conference page.

I want to dedicate the summer on my blog to addressing peace building in the art room.


  1. Great post! Nice to see you there my dear girl!

  2. I look forward to following you as you address peace building in the Art Classroom.

    I have a degree in K-12 Art Ed but am currently subbing due to lack of jobs out here in rural Nebraska but I try to keep up on Art Education and Advocacy even when I'm not in the classroom. But someday I will be, hopefully soon!

  3. I got so much from your ten minutes at the conference, so don't sell yourself short! Now my only problem will be deciding which project to do first and which grade level gets to do it.

  4. I am so glad Charmaine! The kids truly respond to these projects and I would try it with a tough class (after you get to know the individual personalities of course!) The classes I did it with were challenging ones. It changed their behavior for the better.

    Right back at you Nic

    Suzi I wish you luck but you don't need it. You are obviously passionate and when the right situation arises you are going to be ready to share your gift. Teaching also comes in so many forms. Parenting is the greatest form of teaching that I've experienced. Mostly my daughter teaching me, but yes parents are teachers and we are teachers and learners in so many capacities. You will land that perfect job soon. I can feel it.

  5. So glad to hear it went well. I actually spent much of the day at an important regional meeting of art teachers, so I couldn't have attended the conference, and didn't feel as a retiree I could justify the expense, but part of me feels like I missed out on something special! At least I spent me day with art teachers!! Do you have any idea how many participants there were? Just curious.

    And I love the concept of your topic and will look forward over the summer to seeing what you share about peace-building and the arts.

    In the meantime, I've volunteered to participate in the Pinwheels for Peace project with the students at my Temple's religious school. It's a really fun, positive event.

  6. Your presentations were great! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your peace ideas.

  7. I enjoyed your presentation, and it is definitely one I will go back and replay to help me with ideas. We do Pinwheels for Peace at my school and I love it. It basically is my baby, I initiated it, the work happens in my room , and I oversee the installation for my school. I am the first school in my district to do it and since I started 1 more school has joined in....and I constantly work toward my goal of all. 51 elementaries I'm my district participating.
    I am looking forward to your additional posts this summer on Peace building.


    Karen E

  8. Phyl- I think over 600 people? I'm not sure though.
    I would love to see how YOU make pinwheels.
    Yes the topic is interesting though I wonder how acute it is in other areas of the country? Were art teachers who teach in schools that are REALLY I mean really challenging in the chat rooms. I couldn't tell? I felt like I was teaching in a third world country seeing some of the presentations where every other child had a iPad. I am encouraged that children have these awesome experiences and technology, just feeling like our public education is so unjust. It is just weighs on me everyday the things that our kids our missing (definitely not just the technology.) I was left wondering if others teach under these conditions, how do they do it, and how do they make it meaningful?

    Thanks Marcia and Mrs. E (from Texas) Do you you have 51 elementary schools???? Wow!

  9. I loved your presentation and ideas! I would say my school sounds similar to yours in class sizes and technology. There are some in our district getting iPads... but of course elementary art is not high on the list. I was definitely a bit jealous of those teachers with even a few of them - such amazing ideas that I would love to do!! :)
