
February 8, 2013

GIVE AWAY: Photo Editing Blah to Ahhh

GOING FROM BLAHHH TO AHHHHH!           Photo Editing Give Away! ONE Lucky Winner!

Send me a photo that you LOVE, but needs a little TLC. Let me know what you think needs the most attention (color, light, fixing a blemish, etc) I'll choose ONE photo from the submissions to feature in a before and after post on my blog. Being that I don't have a lot of readers your chances are pretty high to get free photo editing.

Tip: Darker images are a little easier to fix then blown out, overexposed images.

In the post you'll get to see the process of how I changed the photo from blah to AHHH!

So send me your photos! Send me a high resolution file jpg or raw file.

Here are some before and afters.

