
February 11, 2013

Blahhh to Ahhh!

Some more before and afters!

I'll be posting a tutorial on Friday of how to make your pictures go from blahhh to ahhh in photoshop. I will use one lucky readers photo to do the tutorial and they will receive a free edited jpeg of their photos makeover. Until then here is a readers photo submitted this week.

Thanks Marcia for submitting this photo! The color was quite a challenge as fluorescent lighting is impossible to color balance! I think getting the bluish green color of the light out of the picture helps to focus on the bird and daughter. I love your daughters expression and the bird on her shoulder of course.

There's still time! Submit your photo by Friday 4:00 for a chance to win a photo makeover!


  1. Help! Do you have any lesson plan suggestions for an art teacher with no supplies or sink in her art room? My classroom is in a portable. We have paint. Yet no paper, except for the duplicating kind. We have crayons,scissors (very few),some beads, glitter and 8 bottles of glue. That's about it. I have over 400 children and paper is a big problem.

  2. Also, the school is kinda in a low income area, so we cant really depend on parent to buy things.

  3. This is really an emergency! So I'll give you my best *secrets*

    Paper: Go to your newspaper in the city and ask for their "end rolls" tell them your situation. Tell them that you will bring back the center of the rolls. The end rolls are the end of the paper rolls that can't be used for printing because there is not enough, but there is a good amount of paper on it for classroom use.

    Go to your local framer. Again tell them your situation and ask for scraps from their mount board. When they cut out the middle of the board they usually recycle it. It can become great backgrounds for collages and painting surfaces.

    Reach out to parents, BUT be specific. I am in a low income area as well and I reached out for baby wipes. . . and you should see how many people helped me! I still had to buy a few cases, but it cut my costs in half.

    Reach out to staff. Many people have basements FULL of supplies.

    Go on donors choose TODAY! You can get glue and the essentials if you write a proposal pretty easily.

    Start simple. What ages do you teach?

  4. What state are you in? Some places have recycling centers that you can buy supplies at for pennies a pound! Like Providence RI.
