
July 2, 2012

Blogging is like. . .

When I first started blogging it felt kind of weird to put all my best art projects out their for everyone else to use. But, I did it. I was tired of the culture of coveting ideas. You know those teachers in your schools who won't share ideas with new teachers. Hey, we were all new once and when I started teaching there weren't any blogs. Those few good lessons that art teachers gave to me I cherished, studied them, tried to figure out what made them work, and tried to think like that when creating my own lessons. I will never forget those who shared.

What happened next was really surprising. Blogging became like a well. Every time I'd share an idea on the blog a new and better one would come and take its' place. Like a well draining and filling constantly with new ideas.

When I explained this to my best friend (my mom:), she put it in perfect perspective. She said, "Art teachers really didn't have anywhere to share the work they were doing with the world before. It was like having a house, decorating it beautifully, then never having anyone over." It's true, so welcome to my art room blog. Have a look around, please feel free to use, alter, any ideas here because that's where we get more from!

If you do get inspired by an idea here (first it probably wasn't my idea to begin with) please comment about your translation of the project or link me up! 

I love this community and thanks for all your support during the blog "redecorating" too! 

Blogging is like. . . 
Please don't ask why there is a picture of a pina colada on this post (just a pic I took this week at my husband restaurant). . . but if anyone want to take a try at why blogging is like a Pina Colada, be my guest!


  1. Hi Erica!

    Love the new blog header! But more than that, I love what you said about how important it is to share your ideas instead of being a "hoarder".I have completely changed the way I teach and what projects I teach since I've entered the blogosphere. I get a little torqued at the bloggers who specifically write about please don't photograph their projects etc. if you don't want people to use your ideas, don't blog about them! Geez!I wish everyone felt like you about the wonderful world of sharing art projects. You rock!


  2. Blogging is like a pina colada because it is sweet and makes you giddy sometimes. But it also makes you fatter (because you are sitting on your bottom when you are blogging... oh well...). And it's like a pina colada because it is fun to share with friends, and because occasionally it might make you do or say something that gets you in a wee bit of trouble or that you regret! (not that I've ever done that ha ha ha).

  3. and it makes you a little warm inside ;)

  4. Erica-I totally agree with what you said about feeling all alone as an art teacher! I always feel like there are so many great lesson plan ideas out there if we could just share them! I try to get on the blogs to share lessons but I'm a pretty shy commenter-hopefully I can get better at that!

  5. I discovered that there were art teachers blogs a year and a half ago. (I know a bit crazy but true). I was and still am excited that I found this community. It gave me a boost to try new things and my creative juices started flowing again. I even started my own blog so I could share with everyone. Great community!!!!

  6. Pat, I agree, if you don't want to share it don't share it! I have completely changed too:) Basically just got more great ideas!

    Phyl, fatter and saying something silly is totally spot on! I think I did both in my cookie post, tho I don't regret it because I really believe that. . . not sure if I'd care to voice my opinion on that again! Had no idea that was going to be a big deal:) Total pina colada moment.

    Liz B, thanks for breaking out a comment!!!! Blogging wouldn't work without the commenting back and forth. Glad you are reading and I'll hop over to your blog soon!

    Jen going to go to your blog asap too.

  7. I totally agree. There is something so wonderful about blogging about what we do. I mean, we all know what we do is important and I am sure we try and get that across to our kiddos. But there is something about sharing it with the world that just seems to make everything a little brighter.

    And the only thing I know about the Pina Colada, is it looks GOOD and I want one now.

  8. Jen u r going to have to go to my husband's new restaurant or hotdog/burger/falafal/frozen drink stand on the boardwalk in New Jersey to get that Pina Colada. I photograph his food it's so pretty! I guess I'm going to be one of those annoying FB people who photographs everything good they eat!

  9. Congtratulations on the new look! I, too, have loved the organic nature of how our blogging community has grown. 4 years ago there were maybe 2 art blogs out there!
    Here's to more shared lessons and support!

  10. Yes and Patty you were the FIRST art blog I ever found!!! I never realized that it would be possible to have a blog myself when I started reading yours let alone a whole community of bloggers. You definitely trail blazed the way. But you are from California right? I think Californians are always the first to find good things. Usually the trends hit the east coast last it seems!

  11. The new header is so great, Erica! It exceeds all of my expectations, and it's neat you helped out another fellow blogger by promoting his work. Nice job! :)

  12. Jessica miss writing for aoe though my schedule still is the same:( BUT I hope I'm your number 1 commenter.

    I love seeing Ty's vision for the blog he has an awesome style.

  13. Totally agree--but it is a neat way to get creative and share, meet new people and think out what you do!! I for one am thankful for your "Bottle Cap Installation" and used it myself, adding it to my own list of fun kid activities. Thank you, a thousand thank yous!

    Gianne at
