
May 21, 2012

Kindergarten CATS and Confessions

I have a confession, but first I will show you a cat lesson we did based on Laurel Burch, inspired by Phyl's love of Laurel Burch and beautiful Laurel Burch scarf.

First we watched a Prezi on Laurel Burch. There are a few good Prezi's already made, but this is simple for the little ones. I showed it on my COMPUTER SCREEN! They gathered around, I figure it is bigger then a book!

I'm starting to think taking out my projector is too much of a hassle to take out with the little ones, especially when I have so many classes in a row. So I'm thinking about trying to get a big monitor or flatscreen (maybe on donors choose) and have it mounted on my wall. I envision a yellow painted faux frame around the monitor so it looks like a painting hanging on the wall. I have big dreams! Sometimes they come true. 

We did a directed drawing lesson on how to draw a cat (students were encouraged to use their own ideas.) I hate directed drawing lessons, but sometimes the students need a place to start. The objective was to use the elements of art LINE, COLOR and SHAPE to create a IMAGINARY cat.

Here are some of their results.

Here are my 3 confessions.

1. I don't even like cats! I'm sorry. I'll rephrase that "I've never had a cat that I really liked."
2. I LOVED this project so much I did it with different grade levels (I try not to do this, but couldn't resist!) They did see different prezi's on Laurel Burch and get more insight into her life and inspirations. 
3. I liked the results of the Kindergarteners best! FEARLESS!


  1. I actually think I love Laurel Burch's art/cats more than Phyl but we can talk about that some other time!:) Your take on her cats is really fresh and fun and I really love how simple they are. I think crayon watercolor resist is like a magical way of painting for Kinders. They always Ooh and Ahh when they start painting over their crayon drawings and have big smiles on their faces. Nice work!


  2. Edwin's cat makes me swoon.
    These are all really fabulous. Fantastic job kindergarten!

    I have a short throw projector that is mounted to the ceiling. About the same price as a flat screen and it is interactive too. The brand is called infocus. I like the frame idea too!

  3. Pat I have to head over now to see your Laurel Burch lesson if you have one!!!

    Shannah ME TOO! Edwin is a wonderfully thoughtful little guy. I love this class and call them AP kindergarten.

  4. OK this is crazy. How did I never see this post before? You talked about me and I missed it? And how dare Pat say she loves Laurel Burch's cats more than me? Four scarves (all gifts, all cats;I wish one was celestial or horses or dragonflies instead of cats; I mean when do I wear 4 different Laurel Burch scarves?), three pairs of Laurel Burch cat earrings (actually one is a tiger), two laurel burch purses (both gifts, both cats), one Laurel Burch tote (yes cats again) but no mugs socks or shirts. And the hand painted window sunshine window screen in my (former) art room was modeled after Laurel Burch's celestial images. Come on, Pat, how much Laurel Burch swag do YOU have?!

    Anyhow, weather you like cats or not, this lesson is adorable even though I missed it when it was first posted. I must have been busy packing for retirement.

  5. Beautiful! It's great to see how your students took the inspiration from Laurel Burch's art and made it their own!
