
April 3, 2012

Green Team Mural

I saw Tricia Fuglestad use this ap for a project and I knew I had just the use for it!

It is called wordfoto.  

Here's how it works.
Download it for $1.99 to your iPhone or iPad.
Write 10 words.
Choose a picture to upload.
Overlay words of picture and (drum roll please)
You get this amazing blend of image with text.

The Green Team and I brainstormed words to incorporate in their murals. We created 5'X4' canvas murals on different themes about green practices. This is just one of our large murals. 

Next step. . . we are going to project this picture on top of the actual mural and start to outline the words with multicolored sharpies. We probably most likely won't get to half of the words but I still think it will work. My life is a huge experiment lately, so why should this project be any different?

I'm sure you can think of a million uses for this ap in your classroom. We don't have iPads but I can dream and use my own. 

Have you found any great aps I should know about?


  1. OK, so I'm not sure I understand - the picture you posted is of the mural? or of the wordphoto? I'm confused.

    I'd better start to understand this stuff because I've decided I want to treat myself to a retirement gift - an ipad - and I've never owned a single i-thing at all and not even a smart phone - so I'll have to learn all about apps etc.

  2. Way cool, Erica! Wish I had an IPhone or IPad so I could use this!


  3. Erica! I love your idea of using the these cool images for a mural!!! Please post some pics of in-progress and finished. I'm excited to see how it turns out. AWESOME IDEA!

  4. The pic is the wordphoto. The mural is the pic without any words. It's a large canvas we painted. Now we will add the words!

    I'm sure I'll have A LOT of in progress pics:) It is going to be a project. . . I have a bunch of kids who've *promised* to do it despite how hard it will be. We know it will be totally worth it!!! It will be amazing!

    Pat THANKS! One day take the plunge and get an iPhone or iPad!

  5. This is a really cool idea. We just got an ipad but haven't used it much. I don't need anything else to distract me from homework! I keep hearing about draw something... I'll let myself try it as a reward when my class is finished in a few weeks!

  6. Great! I love this idea. I had not seen this app before, definitely will have to check it out. One app I stumbled on that I play with at home with my own children is called Painting with Time. It's free and so fun! I haven't figured out a way to use it in class (my school has 10 IPads available for check out), but I would like to incorporate more digital art. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I would LOVE to get an iPad to use in my classroom for this type of thing! I think it'd be good for simple slideshows of "inspiration" as well as for all the apps/interactive stuff--right now I use my laptop from home for slideshows/powerpoints, but it isn't as cool/easy to handle (and we don't have a projector or smartboard--THAT would be awesome, too). What a great art-classroom use for the iPad!
