
March 29, 2012

Would You Keep Your Job. . .

IF you won the lottery?

I have been having a serious conversation with myself about this fact since our first office lottery pool.

"Self," I said, "would you come back to work here if you won the lottery?"

Unfortunately, my self was too busy ordering the lazy lobster while telling one of my many assistants what photo equipment to order and how I like my phone calls answered. Service is not like it used to be before I won the lottery. Mainly it was non- existent before, but

here's the real question. . . if you win WILL WE SEE YOU IN WORK MONDAY MORNING? 


  1. I love my job and all, and there's nothing else I'd honestly rather do.. but I am ready to retire! And I've only been teaching for 4 years! Haha... My hubs tells me that if he ends up getting a really good job, he'll let me : ) ha.. but as for now, I can only dream of the days where I work in my own little studio and teach art on the side..

  2. I hear you Hannah. . . The luxuries of employment! Shelter, I hate wet hair and Food, when we have at least ten minutes to eat it during the day I really enjoy it!

    Kidding aside we are luckier then most to get to work with kids and art. I don't think anyone can understand what it's like to work with 500+ or 600+ kids a week, with paint and clay and art history and higher level thinking questions etc. but we are making it happen every day. I think we deserve more credit for what we do. You do an amazing job Hannah. keep on keeping on and know that you aren't alone!

  3. We were literally talking about this last night on my house. I wouldn't quit my job, I love it too much. Plus I think I would get bored.

    I would just seriously enjoy my breaks with all that cash! ;)

  4. As you know, I'm retiring, but if I won the lottery before now, I would not have stopped teaching. It's so much of who I am. But I'd treat myself to some little things that I don't usually spend money on.

  5. U already have the coolest comic book clogs Phyl! What else could u want for;) xo

  6. Whenever the lottery gets into the really big bucks I start thinking about what I would do. I'd keep doing what I do, BUT I think it would be SOOO cool to establish a foundation that could provide more art to our kids in the way of a dedicated Art School for the community. Think I'd also like to build a REAL art room at our school -- one with linoleum floors (instead of the carpet I have) and one of those great round sinks that 8 kids can use at a time, and real (store-bought) drying racks, and maybe a supply and storage closet like I think I remember seeing in a picture of Phyl's room, and maybe someone to help me wash out paint containers/brushes at the end of the day, and......, and....., and...... Well, now, wasn't this little rant cathartic!!! I'll let you know if I win:))))

  7. I think I have the most fantastic job ever, but I would quit in a split second if I won a sizable amount! Although this *career* is awesome, I have many things I'd love to be doing for my self and with my kid and family that do not work well with a normal full-time-job schedule! I'd probably be travelling too much to work. :)

    Shawsha (Big Chick, Little Chick)

  8. You would see the dust behind me! lol
    I toy with this thought a lot too!
    We play the lotto every week at my school. If I would win I would really think long and hard with what I would do. I would like to open a school focused on art and science-With the state are schools are in, I have many teachers lined up to teach at my school. We have been discussing this for a couple years with or without winning the lotto!

  9. Ah! I'm so mad, I just typed up a huge response and then blogger ate it! What I would do is quit my job, take some time off. Then we would move west and I would open an art studio by a lake or ocean (location undetermined at this point). I would spend my days making art, teaching some art lessons to kids, and hosting art retreats for adults. So I would keep teaching, but in a more relaxed fashion. ;)

  10. I'd keep teaching. Not sure if I'd stay in the public schools or open up my own creative shop in the neighborhood I currently teach. If I'd stay in my school...I'd take down a wall in my room and make a clay room. If I opened my own place..I'd find an abandoned building and refurbish it to kind of help revitalize the area a bit.
