
February 14, 2012

Stealing Hearts

Last night I got ambitious. I was going to print Stella's hands like a heart and make a bunch of Valentines for everyone. She is almost one years old, I had waited long enough to bring out the paint! Our first mommy/Stella craft time. I got out all the supplies tons of towels, put her biggest bib on (next time she paints it is going to be clothing optional, her bib was destroyed) and we were ready!

Here's what ended up happening: The minute I put the paint on Stella's hands she squeezed her fingers and started slamming and scratching the paper and trying to put her hands in her face (many of the paintings look a little more Freddie Krueger with the red scratches then Valentines!) To top things off when I brought her in the bathroom and she saw her face splattered in red paint she began to cry! It wasn't a good look to say the least. Poor little thing! This is what happens when your mother is an art teacher, we push you. My friend joked that next year will be Photoshop. I have planned to work on color theory next year though (hehe). I added a bow because a bow makes everything cute! I also planned to take pictures of her making her hand hearts but you can imagine how that would've went! So no pictures; I was trying to keep her fingers out of her mouth most of the time! Despite all the craziness, I can't wait to do it again. Stella, I'm not so sure, maybe she will like it better if we paint with pudding next time. 

Besides making Valentines we've been doing a lot of this. . . 

and this. . . 

and hiding under the piano!

playing the piano. . .

and just hanging around. . . 

soothing cranky Stella. . . 

learning how to Pat Pat the Bunny. . .

and stealing hearts!

Happy Valentines Stella! I love you.

Happy Valentines to you and yours!


  1. She is so adorable!! love the pictures. I've tried things like that with Daria and they haven't worked out so well. :)

  2. Awesome pictures! Last year we did footprints with the heels together and kind of going pigeon toe to make a heart shape. I tried handprints for the first time last week and they are definitely harder than feet. I finally learned that it's easier to use a brayer to roll paint on feet. Last time I stripped my little guy (14 months) down to his diaper and put him in the bathtub to paint. When he was done I just pulled out the paper and filled up the tub for a bath. :)

  3. Crazy to admit this - but I NEVER even tried this with my Ben! I don't know why not. Looks like it was a pretty funny time!

  4. When my kids were little(6 and 1) I printed their hands and feet with white paint, cut them out ( the hands were printed to the sides of the feet to look like wings), cut out photos of their faces and glued them at the top(the heel was the neck area) . Glued the "angels"to a background and I drew a sky. I wrote out the phrase "Poppies Angels" with their names and the date. Framed it and gave it to my Dad one year for Father's Day from them. My son is now 18 and my daughter 12 , it still hangs in my parents house.

  5. I think every mom I know tried to do fingerpainting with their babies on Valentine's Day! :) I just posted about our V-Day art session yesterday; check it out!

    Stella is GORGEOUS. Even her pouty face, and not every baby can say that.

  6. I wonder what it is about the kids being turned upside down that makes them happy?!?!! I flip Eli upside down and he just smiles and smiles!
