
January 16, 2012

Art, Music, Literacy

This is very interesting to me. I know I'll use this in the future. If you haven't seen it check it out!

Can you imagine making a rhythm then the words? Or making a rhythm and marks to the rhythm? I think this could be inspiring way to do collage, painting, rhythm, literacy with older students.

OKAY Enough procrastinating on this MLK day! Hi ho Hi Ho It's off to work I go.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just wanted to let you know I canceled your vote for me with my vote for you. LOL.

    But anyhow, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your comment when you nominated me - I love being the 'papier-mache'. As for friendship between people who haven't met, it's really not so strange at all any more. Think about how many people nowadays meet their significant others through the internet!
