
December 4, 2011

Hey Neighbors!

Remember the first few months you started blogging? For some of you it wasn't that long ago. I remember wondering how people followed other blogs and got followers. Every new follower I would click on and check out their blog and respond to their work. Now I'm too busy to even update my own blog! I do regularly check in with my original neighbors, the people who have established relationships in this art community, you know who you are. . . but our little neighborhood is getting bigger and better. 

In the spirit of community, which is what brought me to this blog, I have been checking some of the "Members" or Followers blogs and leaving comments. Wow, really novel I know. These newer blogs are great! I will be looking through as many as I can and featuring a new blogger this week. If you are interested in sharing your new blog leave your link in the comments otherwise I'm going to do my best to jump the fence and visit some neighbor blogs. 


  1. I guess I'm an old neighbor, the kind where you pass zucchini and pies over the hedge! (We used to have real neighbors like that; now we have neighbors that are, let me say delicately, less than ideal. We had to put up a fence for the first time, after living here for over 22 years.)

    Anyhow - every so often I update my blogroll with newer blogs, but I hate to leave anyone out so it has gotten too LONG. I have a couple of new blogs that I tried to add today and blogger wouldn't let me but I'll try again later. I think I'll eliminate a couple that haven't posted in a long time.

  2. By the way - I notice that you are creeping up to your 200th follower!!

    Oh - one more thing - about that puzzle in my classroom - we'd love to have you join us for "puzzle therapy". You'd love my friend C. She's the driving force behind our school's Roots & Shoots garden.

  3. I'm there! I am more of a cookie passer, hope you like chic chip I LOVE zucchini anything! My grandpa had a little garden along side his driveway that yielded TONS of veggies especially zucchini. I guess that was where my garden amazement started. We have our first 3 raised beds installed they are beautiful and ready for spring we planted our garlic and other cool weather vegetables like kale for now. The kids like shoveling all the dirt so much it blew my
    Mind. I'll be over for puzzles and sweets soon;)

  4. Love your enthusiasm. I'm creeping up to my 20th follower, haha. I usually update on the weekends but left my camera at one of my schools last week. I'm crazy about this art blogging world it has pushed many out of the dreaded art room isolation.

  5. Hey, while you were leaving a comment on my blog and noting I hadn't been posting, I was busy working on 2 (and maybe a 3rd) posts and one of them was partly about you! (Or actually about your lesson). Can't wait to see your fauves!

  6. I'm just a lurker:) but I love looking at your art projects and lessons! I am a mom to 4 kids, a teacher, and I just started a new blog 2 months ago:
    Thanks for all of your posts- very inspiring:).

  7. I'm a new blogger! I just staarted the other day. It's a little overwhelming because there are so many art teacher blogs; every time I find a new one, I find myself spending hours reading! I have yet to really figure out how to blog, or add things to my blog to make it more appealing, but I'll get there in time. I appreicate all of the great artwork that you (& all the others) have chose to share with new teachers like me that give me constant inspiration! Thanks!


  8. I a new blogger too! And this post was exactly what I needed to read, so thank you! I am envious of all the bloggers that have so many followers, but I always try to remind myself that I need to practice patience and blog for a reason I believe in not just to get as many people to follow me as I can! Here's my blog...a work in progress for sure!

  9. I love your post! I recognised my image as one of your neighbours. I'm a type of neighbour that would love to share zucchini if I had a vegie patch. Would I'd rather share is home made cake or my famous pizza. Anyway, I remember starting unaware of the potential of being a blogger. It's the best thing ever. No one else on staff (at school) really understands what goes on in the art room. Everyday is an exciting day and you're forever searching for ideas. I have picked up so many ideas and best of all have had some great professional conversation with colleagues from around the world. I've learnt heaps and most importantly made friends. I love the fact that we're from different parts of the world speaking the same language. I have even spoke to Mini Matisse online and traded ATC cards with several schools. So yes, I am always on the look out for new bloggers... Thanks once again for your great post. Anna:)
