
December 31, 2011

Excuse my Deep Thoughts

As you may know my husband is in the restaurant industry. So we celebrate New Years on Monday night when they close the restaurant and all the managers go to swanky country club for dinner. I have my outfit picked ready right down to the perfume (I got Chanel for Christmas!) So tonight I'm enjoying sitting behind my computer looking at pictures and reminiscing on a wild year. 

Dear Blogger Friends,
It has been quite a year. We have maintained our sense of community as we grow bigger and welcome new teachers. Phyl has over 400 followers which I'm sure is more then double from last year. Kristyn has been doing some amazing collaborations and sharing it with the rest of us. We will all miss "Jimmy Rizzi" as my friend calls him as he was just beginning to come into many of our art experiences. I look forward to Katie's thoughtful comments and Jessi's fearless units with the little ones that most of us our still trying to figure out. Then there's Pat, who I always imagine with that crazy hair mixing tons of black glue with her electric drill contraption, the owls came out beautiful by the way. AND SO MANY MORE OF YOU! If you don't know who I'm talking about you will soon if you keep reading. I am thankful for this little community of art teachers that want to share for the sake of sharing.

I love this quote and it reminds me of how I want to be as a teacher, blogger, creator.

"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha


Mine this year is cheesy. 
Be more present. 
Give people the benefit of the doubt. 
Find the things that make Stella laugh. (this one is easy!)
Listen to each one of my 500 students, I mean REALLY listen! (this one seems impossible!)
Worry less about things that I can't change right now and focus on what I can do today. 

That's it! Sounds simple.



  1. I agree with all of your resolutions Erica and I wish you and your Hubs and Stella a fabulous new Year!


  2. Erica, I too love our art teacher community. I feel like I know some of you personally. I am also excited to see new blogs popping up. I am having a hard time keeping up...haha. Happy New Year!

  3. Great resolutions! I am also working on being more present, though I hadn't been able to put it in words until I read what you wrote. I'm trying to keep work stuff, school stuff, KAEA stuff for after my little guy goes to sleep so I can really have quality time with him. I have lots to do during our work day on Tuesday but for once I really feel like I took a break from school!

  4. Great quote.

    I hope you enjoy yourself at your swanky party tomorrow, but make sure you are home and tucked in before it gets too late, since I assume, like me, you have to be ready to get up and go to school on Tuesday morning.

    I agree with Kristyn and you said about our wonderful blogger community, which now feels like old friends (you, Mr. E, Amy, Mrs. Matisse, Christie, Barb, Katie, Kristyn,etc) and newer friends (Pat, Sarah, and my latest new friend whose name I guess I don't know, at the blog Painting with Brains).
