
August 7, 2011

Inspiring Art Room

This is awesome. Just seeing this art room makes me feel more motivated than Richard Simmons in a gym pumping Barbara Streisand music. . . hmmm . . . that doesn't quite describe it. 

How motivated does this space make you feel? 

Makes me feel more motivated than. . . 


  1. This is my dream-thanks for sharing this post. I'm passing it along too on my fb!

  2. What a wonderfully creative space for kids to learn about the world of art! Isn't it amazing what philanthropy can accomplish? Those children will remember those experiences for the rest of their lives. Our challenge is to create those art opportunities in our towns for our students by creating creative networks with local artists, galleries, museums and historical societies. Finding free and recyclable resources is easier than most people think. Ask yourself, who do I know that would be willing to donate those items for your art program? You'll be amazed at the list you will come up with.

  3. ahhhh..I love it!! So inspirational! I think I'm going to post it on my fb too:) thanks artgirl!!

  4. Pretty freaking awesome. We should all work there!

  5. Inspiring! I'm glad the inner city district I work for supports the arts!
