
March 2, 2011

Our Best Work Yet!

Click here to head over to lamamomma if you'd like meet Stella Blue our new baby girl!


Stella Blue

Thanks for your comments and e-mails. . . I love our little blog community. Even in the beginning of the labor I was reading your blog posts on my iPhone to "distract me." Even commented on a few. Believe me that only lasted a few hours until all I could think of was walking towards the light! 19 hours later and we had our Stella Blue in our arms.


  1. She is so beautiful!! Congratulations Momma!

  2. Yeah!! I've been thinking about you and wishing you well. Glad to know that your little family is together, complete and thriving!! Enjoy this time together with no work worries!!

  3. Thanks Becca!
    Christie, I know it is so cool to be a family. It is the most content feeling ever!
    They have me going in to do grades tomorrow but after that I won't step foot in there until I am teaching again!

  4. She is PERFECT! I'm so happy for you!!! You blogging fans are many so I hope you feel the joy that everyone shares with you in this new arrival!! She is BEAUTIFUL. LOve the name too:)

  5. Ooh more photos here! She has long toes - a dancer maybe?

    Are you familiar with the book Stellaluna?

  6. Congratulations on the safe arrival of your beautiful baby girl. Enjoy every second of your best work ever!

  7. Beautiful!
    So much dark hair :)

    Labour is hard work, but it is sooooo worth it!
    Enjoy, they grow up so very fast.
    My boy is 4 months already and it feels like yesterday he was born.
    He is making noises, grabbing my hair (auch), grabbing toys, rolling on his back, ... unbelievable what those babies learn in such a short time!
    enjoy enjoy enjoy!

    Blue-bird at

  8. Congrats! ♥ She's beautiful! ~Love her name. =)

  9. I have been waiting for this post! So happy for you and your family! Enjoy being with her and give her many kisses! :) She is so beautiful!

  10. Conratulations! I love the little wrinkled foot. She is so pretty. Stella was actually one of my top choices for girl names! :) Marcia

  11. Congratulations! What a perfect little bundle! I love her little foot too. As soon as I read her name I thought of the book Stella Luna too. Enjoy this very special time.

  12. Thanks Mrs. Hahn:) Being able to blog and share with you and read yours is so much fun for me.

    I've never read Stellaluna. I hear it is about a bat? Halloween is my fav holiday. I'll have to get it. I do have a book called Stella Queen of the Snow which is so appropriate for this year.

    Blue Bird I like your profile pic! Congratulations 4months! I thought we were having fun now but it sounds like it gets better and better. How is that possible?

    Thanks C.M. I am in love with the name too! It ended up growing on people who didn't like it at first. I knew it would that's why introduced it to my family when I was 2 month preggo so they'd have time to hear it:)

    Painted Paper: Thanks for sharing in the most exciting thing of my life. It means a lot to have support:)

    Marcia: I love it her "little" wrinkled foot. I think her foot is really big! I call her little big foot. Maybe a Michael Phelps? Her fingers are long too which helps if she ever likes to play piano like her mom. What did you end up with for names?

    Shar: Thank you, thank you, thank you, I will and am enjoying her. I had no idea what a cool and awesome experience it would be. What a high these first few days have been.

  13. Congratulations! I was beginning to wonder if all was well and was glad to see those adorable toes when I logged on tonight! Enjoy your time together. You should just give all your students straight A's by the way and call it a day!

  14. Oh what exciting news! New life!
    Can it get any better than this? Good work, little momma.

  15. So adorable! Love the name, too. Congratulations.

  16. Big congrats to you... enjoy her!!

  17. Yes, Stellaluna is a little bat. The artwork in the book is magnificent and down the road your sweet Stella will enjoy this book as my Ben did many years ago.

  18. OH MY! Can't believe I missed this! Congrats and she is so beautiful ~ I love the name too.
    It is the beginning of a great adventure!

  19. Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful little girl! You are in for a wild, joyful, amazing ride . . . enjoy!!!

  20. What a blessing! Congratulations!!!! Enjoy hugging that sweet little bundle of love. :)

  21. Thank you everyone!!! We are enjoying this little teddy bear so so much. Don't forget to check out for our mommy and Stella adventures.
