
January 3, 2011

Jim Dine Will You Be My Valentine?

I heart Jim Dine.

Today, a student in fourth grade reminded me of this project that we did last year so I thought I'd share. Must have been a hit because he said "Remember the heart guy Jim Dine. I think I'll make some Valentines like him." Wow, he even remembered "that heart guy's" name!

Love the earth hearts and positive negative hearts. 

After months of grumbling to myself when a student "ruins" a beautiful piece with a scribble of heart and stars, finally these students get to make hearts to their hearts delight!

The criteria is simple.
1. Fold your paper 3 times.
2. In each rectangle make a heart using line, shape, color and pattern (elements of art).
3. Each heart composition must be original. No duplicates.

I'm sure you can up the anti by teaching analogus, complementary, warm or cool colors, positive/negative shape, implied and real texture, pop art, shading etc. I am going to try to add some rigor to this project by teaching one of these concepts with this project.

Last year we briefly studied pop art and then I let the kids loose to create their hearts.
You'd be surprised how hard it was for students to think of 8 different designs and I did not allow myself to "give" any ideas.

One of these hearts reminds me of playing cards
 . . . hmmm playing cards. . . giving me an art lesson idea for self portraits.

This young artist created this cool texture with oil pastel and watercolors.

The black and green stripes really steals the show!

Jim Dine's Hearts



  1. After yesterday's long comment, I'll keep this one short. Re: your heart project - I love it! Sometimes the simplest assignments turn out to be the best.

  2. Hi! Thanks for posting the idea for this art project! I teach art in my daughter's 4th grade class as a volunteer once a month. The kids don't get much art exposure, so I try to cram as much as I can into the one hour a month I get with them. I was really struggling to find a good thematic art lesson for February when I came upon your blog. I've done Pop Art before..a Roy Lichtenstein inspired piece with my son's class a few years ago, but I was unfamiliar with Jim Dine's work. So, I am going to do Pop Art hearts a-la Jim Dine today. Because it is just one hour, we are only doing four hearts, on 12x12 paper which I have pre-folded. And, taking a cue from you, I am going to introduce/review some elements of art and have the kids do one heart in complimentary colors, one heart in a pattern, one heart with texture (tissue paper and glitter glue) and the last one will be free choice. I can't wait to see how they turn out! Thanks again and have a great day!

  3. We just did Dine this year and had so much fun! I love all the variations of this project.
