
September 28, 2010

Leaf Man, or Dog, or Face, or Friend

Here are some of the creations that the first graders made with all of the things I found this weekend. We read Leaf Man and were inspired to make these wonderful creations!

They are all so unique! I have to warn you, in the process of creating the room became a complete mess! But my 22 little first graders cleaned up so well it was all back to normal in 10 minutes. It was like I dream of Genie, I felt like I wiggled my nose everything was cleaned up. Next week we will write a story about our Leaf Creatures.

Now how do I do the same magic with 37 bilingual first graders? No amount of nose wiggling is going to make that happen for this Genie. This project will have to wait. But I'll show you what I do with them instead in a future post. If you have a great small group of kids 22 or smaller I would definitely recommend this project. Bring out the gallon of glue!


  1. Amazing! That looks like a really fun project and a cool book! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Erica, I LOVE this project! What are the leaves mounted on?

  3. That owl looking one is wonderful! jan

  4. I've never seen that book - definitely need to look for it. Great project!

  5. Very cool! I was thinking of combining your idea with one I saw at Snippity Gibbet called "Beautiful stuff" have the kids use the nature materials to design a face/man and then draw or paint the design, perhaps slightly less chaos for your big class? Thanks again all you bloggers, I am going to try to get it together to share too but don't know when you all find the time!

  6. Stringbean (hope you don't mind if I call you that!) I am so excited about your idea that I'm going to try it with my next first grade class. That is brilliant!!! This blogging thing has me on idea overload. I haven't even repeated a project yet because I've gotten so many new ideas from you guys. I will have tons and tried and true sub plans for my pregnancy leave! Thanks
