
August 10, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award pass it on

Every morning I read a few blogs like the morning paper. One of them is Phyl's blog, There's a Dragon in My Art Room.  I was so surprised when I read my blog's name as one of her picks for terrific blogs. Thanks Phyl! Not only do I enjoy reading your blog, I enjoy our friendship and comradery.

So here are 15 blogs that are my daily and weekly reads.

I know once I post this I will think of 10 more! 

I was asked to share 7 things about myself to accept the award.
1. I have often rehearsed my Academy Award acceptance speech (only problem is I'm not an actress).
2. I would rather be at T.J. Max then the mall.
3. My dog freaks everybody out with his two different colored eyes but I think he's the cutest dog ever.
4. My husband is my B.F.F
5. I have been known to yell "What do you think we live in a frat house?" because we can let our house get messy!
6. I dream of starting a school where teachers love their job, can be creative and put their students needs first. 
7. I dream of teaching there!

If I didn't link your blog please post your blog address in a comment so we can all check it out!

If I've linked your blog please feel free to pass on the award.

Here are the rules for passing on the award. . .
1. Say Thank You to the person who linked you (MOI).
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass on the award to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic.


  1. Very nice. I would love to be a fly in your bathroom listening to you belt out your thanks into the mirror as you practice you academy award speech. I can hear it now... "I would like to thank all my blogging friends, your comments mean so much to me" :) I two want to work in a place were all teachers love their job. Great comment!

  2. I'm laughing so hard. Keep up the commenting ms. Hahn and I will be sure to plug minimatisse in my bathroom mirror acceptance speech tomorrow! I expect the same if you get inspired to work on your speech. We should all have one ready just in case we are surprised by the academy. Gotta practice the surprised look too.

  3. Awe I'm glad you enjoy my blog for it to be on your "reading list" I read yours daily as well!
