
August 29, 2010

Read Between the Lines

It's the day before school starts and the story that I was interviewed for was on the front page of the paper. I talked to the reporter for  two hours if you include a phone call interview and location interview. After talking about the education system, budget crisis, what this means to teachers and students, I got my BIG quote.

The Picture From the Sunday Paper. By the way, I have no idea what I'm doing with my hands!

"WAHOOOOO!" Click here to check it. I am still laughing so hard! I was so excited with all the points I covered and then there it was in black and white the one funny thing I said in the whole interview. It's a shallow story, I think there was a chance for a better story but it ended up just being about the stimulus money and how some districts decided to use it (wahoo!) and some decided to save it.

I will use my blog as a forum to say this money should be used to save good teachers, and those teachers should be returned to their original positions if they were effective there. My colleague and I wrote a grant for our school, started a green team, were ready to continue our work and then I got laid off. I have made relationships with families and students that has taken years to develop. I have started the tradition of an annual art show. The administration actually wanted to put me in another building because it would be "too disruptive" to put me back in the school that I have been successful in. Who would park in my "Teacher of the Year" parking space? Everybody put your money away, the parking space is still mine. But seriously, how would that benefit students? My principal was the she-man of principals when she fought to get me back at her school.

So all's well that ends well. Except, my friends, this is definitely not the end. I think we are somewhere in the middle. The part where the adventure happens.


  1. Erica, since school starts for you tomorrow, you're probably not awake to read my response to your blog post, but anyhow, congrats on having back the job you love! (I still have another week to stay up late and watch stuff like Craig Ferguson on late night TV.)

    Anyhow - I didn't realize when you posted photos of your room that you had returned to your school. I don't know why I didn't have it figured out, but anyhow, congrats!!! Now we have to find a way to have money be there to pay for good teachers EVERY year, not just this year. You shouldn't have to go through this again in another year. When will they realize that for kids to succeed, that the arts are as as important as academics; in fact the arts help kids succeed academically! Keep fighting the good fight...

  2. Thanks Phyl I'm so jealous I want to stay up late!!! But it's definitely time to get some rest. I totally agree, that was the first thing I thought, great for this year but what about next. And it's not fair that tax payers are going to have to foot the bill when this should be taken care of with our already high state taxes. Our taxes are out of control but not everyone pays them which is the difference. I guess I'll leave the world's problems till tomorrow:) gnight

  3. Congrats and I will second that quote with some more whoo hooing! I never understand why there is no money for education - really, what is more important than educating the future of our world? Congrats and keep up the good fight ~ I really admire the teachers that stand up and don't just let things happen ~ they fight to change it - exactly what we need to teach our youth!

  4. Very nice! I'm so proud to say I'm a 'follower' of you! You're amazing! Newspaper and all:)

  5. Thanks Mrs. Hahn and tishalou. I think you're really amazing too and glad we have this cool little art blogger community going!

  6. famous and getting your job back- wahoo is right ; )! Congratulations both. We are facing the same problems in NJ. I was half time then was layed off then they hired me back after retirements and now I am full time plus .2 go figure! I have the same fears as you .. what will happen next year with the funding?? But for now I am just going to keep on loving my job and being the best at it that I can. Sounds like you are doing the same- great work - love your blog!

  7. Hi Erica! I just noticed your comment on my blog. Thanks so much for taking a look! Yay, RISD:D Sometimes I want to go back, but then I remember all the sleepless nights X) I'm excited to look through your blog and be inspired:)

  8. I was just backtrackin' reading some older posts...OH MY GOSH...that artical was funny! I've had that same issue when papers have interviewed me in the past. My first year of teaching my classroom was destroyed by a tornado that went through downtown Nashville...I had some funny things printed from my conversations with reporters!!!

  9. Then you know what I mean Mr. E! I've even submitted stories to the papers that they printed and still messed up somehow! I always feel like I'm reading a story about another art program because we didn't even do half of the things they write about usually:) Too funny.
