
June 12, 2010

Sharing in Some GOOD News!

I was reading blog updates on a rainy Saturday afternoon when I saw that my fellow blogger at MiniMatisse (click here to check out her blog) is Teacher of the Year! Congratulation Mrs. Hahn!

I am excited to be among her ranks! I was surprised last week with a Teacher of the Year party for me! The kids decorated table clothes with hand prints, decorated my door with tons of notes, sung me a song "Sweet Erica" to the tune of Sweet Caroline "art class has never been so  good! So good! So good!", and showered me with gifts for my garden! My friend the P.E. teacher even invited my whole family! My mom was the proudest mom ever when she was ushered into the Principals office to hear praise for her daughter (the most pleasant Principal office visit ever.)

So super bloggers unite and take over . . .  the Art Room! Next stop the school and school system. Shhh top secret mission. Go Arts!

Yeah that's me in the blue shirt with the ID badge looking exhausted. I had just finished taking down the school art show!


  1. Congratulations to you! It's so nice to know that art teachers are being recognized in this way. You should be very proud!

  2. Oh my goodness! I'm so happy for you! VERY, VERY cool. We need to do an art exchange. Are you interested in working with my school up here in MN? GO ART GO!!!

  3. hey :) i came across your blog from katie bowers! i'm also an elementary art teacher and keep an art blog and personal one.
