
June 3, 2010

Art Show 2010

I feel like I have given birth. I am exhausted but so happy! The art show was a huge success! I wallpapered the hallways with the students work. I have over 500 students and our part time art teacher has over 75.

 If you didn't already know from reading my blog I work in the inner city. This fact is very important because it means the parents either work or are not present at the school. My parent support is little (except one good friend whose a mom at the school), and that's a lot of art for one art teacher with loaded schedule! I am so proud that I got so much art work up with the help of some students. I am a little disappointed that a few of the students were not able to find their work! I arranged it by grade but either they did not produce finished pieces, could not find it, or it simply did not get up. How did I deal with this totally embarrassing situation? I told the student that there work was really good and that there must have been a huge mistake. I put up their work for tomorrow!

So reflections for next year, I plan to only show the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders and focus on each child having 2 pieces up. I have a few questions for you though. . . how do you deal with your art shows? Where do you find help?

P.S. I know these pictures are dark because I took them at 10:00 at night. Yep, I'm crazy. 


  1. Incredible! You are an amazing art teacher! =)

  2. THANK YOU FOR HELPING KRISTINA! You are such an awesome friend. . . and teacher. Thank you Nick and Mary Ellen and Amy and Gisselle even put something up!

    You guys rock.

  3. Erica , How to do it.
    I am holding an art show for our whole school in November. As the school year progresses every piece of art that I intend to show( approx 2000 pieces is velcroed and or taped together on the back with masking tape,etc ie multiples ready for quick display and of course take down) I am approaching my mid 50's and have worked out that this is much easier. I show at least 4 pieces per child in some form or other. I know exactly my space- size of display screens, what I can hang it from . I only do this every 3rd year as Our arts Specialists Drama and Music etc share this focus. etc More details email me

  4. Thank you for your post!! We can all learn from each other. Here is my post from the art show at my school:

    THanks again!
    Becca Ruth :)
