
January 3, 2014

TOP 10 reasons NOT to Attend the AOE Conference

There are a few art teachers out there who will not be attending The Art of Education Conference.

So here are the top 10 REASONS NOT TO ATTEND The Art of Education Conference. 

10. You believe art teachers are like Beta Fish. . . get too many together and only one will survive.

9. You have no internet, which is obviously not true because you are reading this right now.

8. You object to socializing online with people who have the same interests as you. What is this thing called Facebook?

7. Folding laundry while getting really good ideas for your classroom would be multitasking and you never do that.

6. You are an artist. You don't want to do what everyone else is doing.

5. The idea of PD in your pajamas goes together like bananas and peanut butter. . . a little bit too fruity and too nutty.

4. You are totally not curious to see what CASSIE STEPHENS will be wearing. . .

3. Because you have to "dust your spoon collection, nothing worse then a dusty spoon collection."

The number 2 & 1 are by the infamous MR. E from . . . Art With Mr. E

2. "You got a crayon lodged up your nose, and your surgery to remove it is on that day" -Mr. E

1. "You are an art teacher by day and spy on the weekends. . . you'll be 'away.' You would tell us where, but then you'd have to kill us!!!" -Mr. E

Here's the presentation I've been working out for the conference!

A picture of me and SLIMER from Ghost Busters…


  1. You are frozen solid from this cold snap and are unable to move your fingers to register for the conference!

    You got a crayon lodged up your nose, and your surgery to remove it is on that day.

    You ate too much glue and are going to be in rehab during that time.

    You baked your computer inside your turkey over the holidays by mistake.

    You wrapped and gifted your computer...and aren't sure how to ask for it back.

    You are an art teacher by day & spy on the weekends....and you'll be "away". You would tell us where, but then you'd have to kill us!!!

    1. You my friend are hysterical! Even my husband laughed and he's not a big fan of school talk/school jokes. This is awesome you should post it on your blog... If i do say so myself

  2. Art teacher by day & spy on the weekends... Ha! Ha! Funny guys! :)

  3. You are too funny girly!! Are you home from you trip? This is a great way to advertise your presentation! I know I will be there in the front seat to see what you have in store for the day:)

  4. We are home! Still have more suitcases to unpack. I CANNOT wait to see yours! Speed Dating? I'm intrigued!

    I love your idea from last conference with the email… we just got a mobile laptop lab so I will be able to try it!

  5. I might try to do this on mine as well....totally give you inspirational credit!!

  6. I would feel like I was sitting at the cool kids table for a minute if you did mention me on your blog! Seriously hope u do. Yours are so funny and no one reads this blog! You have to share them!!!

  7. !?!?! No one reads your blog ?!?!?! What are you talking about??? You have a large following!!!

  8. Okay, I love this! And I TOTALLY read your blog, don't be a crazy person (well, PLEASE be a crazy person, that's what keeps people reading, right?!). As far as what I'll be wearing, I do believe that in the 10 minute clip I have at least 5 different wardrobe changes. Yes, seriously. It's completely ridiculous. So looking forward to your presentation!!

  9. This is awesome! Erica will be kicking off the entire conference as the very first presentation out of the gate. Come early to see her!

  10. Cassie I CAN'T believe you have outfit changes!!! Now I'm super excited! Jessica you have to advertise that and anyone who was on the fence will join the party, I mean conference;)

    Thanks Jessica for the opportunity for us all to be at the table with these amazing teachers, artists, bloggers both presenters and attendees.

  11. Boy, I really am feeling like the kid that nobody sits with in lunch. I think I'm the only blogger I know who isn't presenting at this conference, and no, I won't be attending. Since I don't have a 'regular' teaching job any more, I can't justify the cost of professional development, especially when so much of it is geared toward being in the classroom with a room full of kids, which I am not. In my current situation I do not have to involve myself with Common Core, assessments, testing, data collection, portfolios, written critiques, rubrics, and so on. I'm just making art with kids.

    Yes, I'll miss hearing what my friends have to say, and I'll certainly miss seeing all of wonderful Cassie's outfits, and I won't get one of those intriguing swag boxes, but I just can't justify. I'll be off munching my lunch at the outcast table :(

  12. You will be missed Phyl! It's good to know I can hop over to your blog anytime and see kids getting into their art. Sometimes I feel like there is an awful lot of rigamarole just to get to the art making part or as Ian Sands puts it dodge and weave.

    Your voice is really important in art education. I would've loved to see your conference presentation at the states and hope you will be doing one of these soon!
