
February 2, 2011

Nesting: In progress. . . the nursery

After the snow day I am almost done. Here are some pics I snapped a few days back on my iPhone. This weekend, I will be completely finished and share all the girly details! Wait. . . planning for the weekend at this point in my life is planning way too far in advance. . . we'll see what happens.

Crib is together! Pillows are sewed! Mattress just came in yesterday!

You might remember this painting from a few posts back.
It now hangs above her changing table.
This is the table stacked with baby shower gifts!


  1. Enjoy your nesting time Erica! Looks like you're all set (baby's room wise.) Thanks for keeping us updated.

  2. I loved nesting. So much fun. Enjoy!

  3. So sweet - girlie stuff! It will all go so fast, so savor every minute!

  4. Goodness woman, aren't you due any day now? I hope you are making time to rest! You won't be able to do that for a while. The room looks great and the picture is precious!

  5. Rest? I think your body prepares itself in weird ways! For me I only need 6 Interrupted hours of sleep instead of the 8 I used to demand! Weird how less than a year can change you so much.

  6. I really enjoyed preparing the nursery. Yours looks so warm and cozy. Lots of love going into that room ENJOY! I know what you mean about sleep! I can pass out in 2 minutes and wake up with out an alarm clock!
    Then one morning you will have a little face gazing at you at 6 am while you are sleeping-especially on a snow day! :/

  7. I am so excited for you! My sister just had her baby boy last week and it has been the most amazing experience ever. You will be a fantastic Mommy! :)

  8. Congrats to you and your sister!!! I'm sure
    you will be a big support to her. Always wanted a sister. I have brothers and great sister in laws! Love that baby boy. Enjoy.
