
February 6, 2011

ART SHARE. . . feedback

I created a WIGGIO account to host all these files. If you are not familiar with WIGGIO you are not alone! It is a sight that organizes groups (us) and allows for easy file sharing (our lessons).
All who participated in the LESSON SHARE was sent a link on their e-mail to access our WIGGIO group. Once you sign in you will be able to download all the lessons 34 TOTAL WAHOO!!!

Believe me, if I could've sent them to you on your e-mail I would have.  The pictures most of you sent were just too large so I had to find a site to store them on. When I tried to convert them to PDF's many of the picture wouldn't appear. 

If something is missing, not right, if you didn't get the e-mail and you participated (with a lesson and picture), or if you are simply frustrated and would like me to find another way to get you the lessons. . . I'll see what I can do. Also if you have a better suggestion on how to store all these files and make them accessible to participants please let me know!

Rules for sharing. . . You must GIVE to GET.
If you do share these lessons with anyone else it is my hope that it will be a young motivated teacher (we were all there once.) You and I spent many, many hours organizing this so it is a huge gift to anyone you give it to; please give it wisely. I hope many kids will benefit from our hard work!


  1. google docs is also a good way to share documents. That's what I always use at school. Some of the pictures I could not see on the lesson plans, I don't know if it was just my computer or not.

  2. Thanks so much for all your work on this!

  3. Hi,
    I just found out about this project through the Deep Space Sparkle site. I am a first year art teacher and this would be so helpful to me-can I still participate? I have a lesson to submit (I'm sure it's not as good as all the others-being new at this is intimidating sometimes!). Please let me know and thanks!

  4. I would love to keep this open but I closed the project (I have to stick with the deadline) because I'm expecting a baby anytime now! I wish I could continue but look for new ideas on my blog in the upcoming months after I go back to school. I'll be taking 8 weeks to be with Stella. Thanks for your interest!

  5. Just wondering if you still would be able to share those lessons? Just found your site and would love to participate as well as receive those fabulous lessons? As a new momma myself I totally understand if you're too busy.


  6. Wow- any chance I could get these documents? I just landed my *first* ever job as an art teacher, am due to start in September, YAY!!! :) Please let me know if I can participate in this. Would love to see what an experienced teacher's plan looks like. Anyone in the above comment box has these plans? Can you please share?
